Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Monday, March 18, 2013

ND Larsons Invade Larsonland

Another blog post, another slew of photos.  But thankfully, they are from yet another awesome time, so I don't feel bad about the massive influx in pics.  :)

David & Emma decided to make an annual (and occasionally bi-annual) trip out to see us each year, and this year we got to plan it around Uncle David's med school schedule (yay for another doctor in the family!).  They came out for almost a week and even brought Emma's super fun sister and her husband for part of the time.  The week went by far too quickly, but don't worry, I took enough photos that you may feel like you were there with us the entire time.  {And low and behold, there are even more posted here.} Benjamin was about as happy as could be having them here, so you may notice about a million smiles.

As always seems to be the case, the Larsons brought snow with them.

Oh, and randomly, Jacob happened to be driving through with some of his college buddies on Spring Break... so they crashed at our house for a few hours and we got a Brothers Larson reunion! (There were five men sleeping in our basement at one point... so thankful for our new home!)

In the crazy snowstorm, we headed up to the mountains, and several hours later arrived in Frisco.  We enjoyed a nice dinner in eating some of David's tasty venison he brought from North Dakota!

The next day the Larsons and Shirkeys went skiing at Copper and enjoyed some super awesome fresh snow.  Matt, Benjamin and I decided to stay back, do a little snowshoeing/hiking, and take a trip into town for a nice lunch at, where else, the Butterhorn.  It was pretty much a perfect mountain morning!

all bundled up!  now where are we going??

we didn't even need snow shoes for much of the walk/hike

playing in the snow for a bit!

I use my own utensils now, thank you very much!

dad - I'm pretty sure this wallet functions as a phone too!

Benjamin had a fun time playing with toys at the condo before we all headed to the pool/hot tubs that evening to relax.  Benjamin could not have had more fun in the pool - he LOVES the water and splashes and kicks all over the place.  We even dunked him about a dozen times and we never got any tears!  Such a big boy now!

We headed to the little Mexican joint in the strip mall by Safeway/Walmart for a tasty dinner... Benjamin was still deliriously happy thinking about swimming :)

The next morning the crazy out-of-towners decided to hike Mount Quandry and ski down.  So they packed up a TON of gear and were off.  Meanwhile, Matt and I headed back home to take care of bidness and whatnot. :)

standing up in John's boots

I made Emma rent a helmet for skiing the next day... so she sent me this as proof that she did

And after the crew up in the mountains spent another day skiing some awesome powder (perfect timing for their visit!), we all met back up at the house and hung out playing games (while Emma recovered from a stomach bug on the couch).

The next day both Matt and I headed to work (I only did a half day, thankfully!) - so Uncle David and Aunt Emma were nice enough to watch the beast.  Emma's cousin Seth and his family came over and we all took a walk to get lunch and play at the park.  It was a gorgeous day!  And Seth's little boy Rylan was as cute as could be and will probably grow up to be a football player just like his daddy!  He and Benjamin hit it off quite nicely!

Benjamin took a liking to John while he was here

cruising to lunch and the park!


Benjamin LOVED the slide.  Like maybe more than anything ever.  He didn't want to leave it at all and cried when I made him head home...

That night we headed downtown while a sweet friend was kind enough to watch Benjamin.  We enjoyed dinner and margs at the Rio where we met up with an old Austin friend of David's (oops, forgot a pic of that!) and then checked out Freschcraft for a drink before heading home.

And on the last day of their visit, we ventured up to Fort Collins to take a tour of New Belgium and stop by Odells.  It was a perfect day weather-wise, and fun-wise as well!  I didn't want the day to end!

Dad, I'm on a call!

I love this boy!!

passed out from a fun day!

When we got home, Benjamin initiated an impromptu dance party with the neighbor kids.  It was hilarious!

And we put David to work helping us put together our new patio furniture from Ikea.

Before they had to leave, we grilled some fish and enjoyed dinner by the firepit!

Come back again soon Uncle David and Aunt Emma!  We miss you already :)  Thanks for visiting!

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