Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas with the Monroes

We've had a great start to the Christmas season by celebrating with my family before we head to Minnesota.  In a tough month marred by seemingly unending difficult news, it's been really nice to cave out time with loved ones.

To kick of the festivities, my parents treated us to a showing of White Christmas at the Buell Theatre downtown.  I can't even explain how much my sister and I love this movie and watched it multiple times (throughout the year!) growing up.  We practically have the movie memorized and especially love the "Sisters, Sisters" bit referencing it basically on regular occasions.  So it was really nice to head out (without the beast who was thankfully being taken care of by a good friend) and enjoy the production.  {It was definitely different than the movie, but we still enjoyed it!  I do think it would be pretty tough to fill the role of Bing Crosby... and Matt said my bar was set too high.}

And this past Sunday we all headed to my folks' house for a nice Christmas brunch (and we stayed for a nice Christmas Chinese-take-out-dinner as well) and the Monroe Christmas.  Benjamin loved opening his stocking (i.e. reaching his arm in and out) and opening the wonderful gifts he was spoiled with (i.e. playing with the wrapping paper and boxes).  His aunt Amber especially spoiled him with his most favorite gift so far, a mini-guitar!  (He is obsessed with it and carries it just about everywhere!)  I'm sure the t-ball set and duplos-book she got him will also become his favorite things next year, if his dad has anything to do with it {Amber, were you in cahoots with Matt?  Guitar, Legos, and Baseball?  I think that's Matt's idea of heaven}.  Thank you Bam Bam! ;)  Benjamin even decided to surprise us by taking more than a couple wobbly steps - he got up to six or seven on his own!  I'd say he's officially a "walker", though his preferred mode of transportation is definitely still crawling :)  Merry Christmas to us!

It was a wonderful day with my family spending time together and catching up on life.  My niece Jessica even made some cupcakes for my birthday.  And now I'm going to pretend that they're not leaving for Cabo in a few days without us...  ;)  {Thanks for a wonderful Christmas Dad & Arlene - even if we won't be drinking margaritias and banana daquiris with you in the near future!} 

here comes Mrs. Claus!


thanks for letting me ride your cow, Grampa!

And footage of the walking boy:


  1. It was a great Christmas together, even if 9 days early! Enjoyed sharing with you.
    Loved going to White Christmas with all you girls and boy. Brought back sweet memories of you sisters singing in front of the TV... Love Dad/Grampa
