Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Birthday party time!

Being that Benjamin only turns one once, we decided to throw a little shin-dig to celebrate.  And since he is only one, we didn't want it to be anything too big, just something to help us celebrate both his getting older and our surviving the first year of parenthood.  Pinterest has about a million amazing party ideas, but my time, budget, and interest in crafting for ten hours (for a boy who will never remember his first birthday) were very minimal, so we ended up merging our belated housewarming party with a birthday gathering.  It turned out great, mostly because I know Benjamin had an amazing time.  How do I know?  Well, he got to play with a bunch of his little buddies (I think about 8 little ones came over!  The most kiddos we've ever had in the house!), he skipped a nap without even crying or fussing, and got lots and lots of love and attention.  The little man was in 1 year old heaven!

Since Benjamin is still on the lactose-free train, we stopped by our local bakery to pick up a tasty vegan cupcake especially for the birthday boy.  Lucky kiddo got to eat it up guilt-free!

The aftermath when all the kids were gone... looks like fun!

The next day, Benjamin's actual birthday, we spent the day playing with new toys and taking a trip to the zoo with Keri and Boaz.  The weather was perfect and the boys were in a great mood - it was a wonderful way to celebrate the day!  In the evening we had one more birthday cupcake with the birthday boy (not a vegan one, oops!), and dad even sang him a birthday song on Benjamin's favorite instrument!  We love our little on year old! :-)



it's my birthday!



  1. Great job journaling his 1st Bday party with photos of all the fun! Glad we could join all you and your buddy's families.

  2. Looks like a good time! Happy birthday, BW!
