Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Saturday, November 23, 2013

4th Annual Supper Group "Camping" Trip

It's really nice to have friends that don't stop being "fun" once kiddos come around.  I mean, of course kiddos are inherently "fun", but it's also nice to do fun things that you did pre-kiddos once in awhile too.  Or often, like us :)  Our philosophy is that we can still do a lot of those same things, we just might have to carry a pack-and-play along or schedule around naps. But trust me, we'll try to make it work if we can!  And I'm super thankful for friends that share the same philosophy.

Our supper group camping trip has certainly been modified since the arrival of small tater tots, but the big cabin we rent has lots of amenities that camping just doesn't offer.  So, this year we headed back up to the cabin (16 adults and 7 children mind you) for a great weekend together.  We even planned an early Thanksgiving dinner for the weekend (and lucky us, we've got some great cooks in the group).  Here are pics from our first supper group camping, second, and third (at the end of that post).... wow.

The pictures say it all - it was a great time getting to relax a bit, spend time together, share an amazingly delicious meal (with two deep fried turkeys), sing some worship tunes, play games, bathe children... you get the picture.  And winter even brought us a nice snowstorm.  

Here we go:

The basement there has toys-galore!

Story time!

Waiting for the Campbells to arrive so we could surprise Kristyn for her birthday!

Gorgeous view out the kitchen:

It's impossible to get a picture of 7 kids... this was the first time we've attempted it!

deep drying other things... like cupcakes

Thanksgiving dinner!

Church in the morning:

Only a few minutes later: 

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