Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Last week

Well, I guess it's time for another catch up post.  Someday I'll learn how to manage my time better, but for now, the free time I have is spent either working, cleaning, cooking, trying to persuade Benjamin to eat, cleaning, and did I mention cleaning?  Toddlers don't bode well for keeping a house in any kind of order.  You'd think with the amount of time I spend picking up around our house that it would actually be clean.  You'd be wrong.

So - last week was a busy one but thankfully also involved some days off for Matt.  Here's a short recap by phone pictures :)

Enjoying a post-church brunch in Wash Park, Benjamin was thrilled to watch baseball on TV:

We had yet another snow-storm, so Matt had to work from home one day (to avoid a 2+ hour commute thankfully!).  Over lunch he brought Benjamin by my office to say hello:

Proof of said snowstorm... this was only the beginning:

Stopping by the Westras for a little catching up and dinner... these boys are pretty funny together:

Wishing Matt's uncle Steve a happy birthday from afar:

Taking advantage of having daddy at home, we hit up our favorite brunch spot, Sassafras over in LoHi:

Friday night we had the VW's over for dinner and game night.  I was very proud of myself for making a delicious Chinese meal, my first ever attempt, of baked sweet and sour chicken with fried rice (thank you Pinterest).  :)  It was a fun night!

AND THEN, we spent much of the weekend looking for a new car {insert audible groan}. Talk about one of our least favorite things to do!  Matt's car (i.e. the car I bought when I graduated college ten years ago) pooped out on us again and it was time to turn her in.  It was a sad day saying goodbye to Dixie - she's been all over the country and served as a great sidekick throughout my 20s.  DC, Chicago, Boston, Maine, North Carolina... such a trooper!  BUT, these snow storms were reminding us that we can't fool around any longer given how often the car holds our very precious cargo!!

SO, this is how Benjamin spent much of his time - playing/reading at dealerships.  He honestly was really great and only had a few tantrums which is not bad considering if felt like we were there forever.

Thanks to a lot of "creative" financing and wheeling and dealing, we finally drove away with a Subaru Outback.  It's like we finally joined the ranks of real Coloradans now that we drive the "official" vehicle of Colorado.  {So far, we really do love it!}

{We also had a bbq with Matt's great coworkers, but somehow in the daze of just purchasing a car, I forgot to take any pictures of it...}

Sunday we celebrated my dad's 55th (that's right, FIFTY-FIVE!) birthday with lunch at our house.  Amber came over early to help me cook and the food turned out delicious (again, thank you Pinterest).  The weather was beautiful and we had a great time celebrating Grampa!

That evening we took a stroll to the local Gelatto shop and picked up some tasty ice cream for the walk home.  :-)  Benjamin was a big fan!

Oh, and Happy Earth Day (Monday) :-)  It snowed AGAIN, but thankfully it's all melted by now.  Good riddance snow!!

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