Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Two Month Birthday!

Dear Benjamin,

Happy 2 months!  You are such a fun little boy, and we are so thankful for you!

Life this past month has been quite different than the first month of your life.  We are learning a little more about your personality now that you are so much more awake and alert, and we have also been dealing with a lot of tears and frustration from you (and us).  Now that we know about your milk allergy, we're hoping life gets a little more rosy for you.  I know it's been tough, but you've been such a brave little guy as we've waded through the trials!

Here's a bit more about life in your 2nd month:

You finally started smiling around 6-7 weeks, but you still are pretty picky about when to bust out a beautiful grin.  You really make us work for it!  Believe me though, when you do smile, it melts my heart!

You really really love bath time and we even were able to get rid of the newborn "sling" that we used to use in the tub!  You're growing so fast!

We try to get out for walks every day (so that Lincoln won't go bonkers in the house!), and when it's especially nice out, we love to go to Wash Park.  You've gotten really good about staying awake during walks and love to take in all the sights!

Of course, you still love hanging out in your activity gym... though I think more tummy time is in order!

I picked up this little soccer ball at Target, and what a great find it was!  You have loved staring at it, swatting at it, and even talking to it occasionally!

You prefer sleeping on your side when I'll let you (and even more so if it's in mom and dad's bed!).  But in general, you have gotten pretty good about sleeping in your crib, even hitting a 4.5 hour stretch at one point last week!  (Mom keeps the monitor on pretty loud in our room, so she doesn't miss anything!) Sometimes, though, you really want to be held and that's the only way you'll shut those cute little eyes of yours.

You also started searching for (and have found it twice!) your thumb to keep yourself busy during the day.  It's been pretty funny watching this whole exploration!

You visited church for the first time last week (and dad was even playing piano on the worship team!).  You were a real trooper and slept through most of it (I mean, who hasn't at one point or another?) :)

Benjamin - dad and I can never tell you just how much we love you!  Sorry if we seem tired and cranky sometimes, you certainly like to keep us on our toes!  We're excited to watch you grow and smile even more.  It's been such an amazing two months, I can't even fathom what the next 100 will hold!



  1. Are you sure the glove isn't getting smaller?!?! I love seeing how big he's getting! And he does have a great smile :) 2 months, wow! Way to go!! :)
