Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Benjamin update

It must be obvious that I'm no longer teaching - so many blog updates in one week!  While I miss the classroom, I'm SO thankful for some time to actually get things done.  Christmas shopping (I actually ventured out to the stores and didn't just sit behind my computer ordering online for once!  Not sure if I'll do it again though...holy crowds, batman!), cleaning/organizing (we may or may not have spent nearly an entire day in our wee little basement trying to get our "stuff" organized...), and just generally trying to catch up on life has been really nice.  I'm trying to sneak in naps here and there, but so far I haven't been very successful. 

With the impending arrival of Benjamin, I feel a need to make use of as much free time as I can!  When not cleaning this weekend, Matt and I tried to get out a little while it's still just the two of us.  We celebrated with some of my grad school classmates on Friday night and then enjoyed a great dinner at a new restaurant in Baker (Crimson Canary - yum!).  We even had an old fashioned date night enjoying dinner and catching a movie in downtown Denver on Sunday night! And while Matt was helping to deliver Christmas gifts to the Ethiopian family he met on Thanksgiving last night, I was being treated to a birthday movie night by my sweet friend Jenna. This is a busy but good week!

This is me at 36+ weeks this weekend...

Delivering gifts to the family in Aurora:

As for the most recent update on BWL, we don't have too much to share at this point.  He's definitely growing (6 lbs, 1 oz as of 5 days ago!), and we are grateful for that :)  During our ultrasound last week, the high-risk doctor said that there is no need to deliver early as of yet, though the dilated loops of bowel did grow (bummer).  Because he's not completely certain if they are in the large or small intestines, it's still a waiting/guessing game... I have to go back for another ultrasound in two weeks (assuming he's not here by then!), and we just have to keep a close eye on him.  Surgery isn't ruled out, nor is it being planned for, so we're still in a big, giant grey cloud.  I hate being in the grey area, but I guess it's better than being in a black or white area that I may not like... And while I try to be optimistic and hopeful about everything, it's definitely hard not to get too worried or discouraged thinking about the health of the son you haven't even met yet.  We are grateful for all the prayers and support, and for now, that's certainly all we can ask for.  We continue to pray that he is healthy and that the most concerning outcome (BWL having CF) doesn't come to fruition.  What a wonderful Christmas gift that would be!

Sadly, BWL continued his tradition of being shy for the camera - he really seems to love holding his arms in front of his face (I can only imagine what he'll be like when I've got a camera in his face for the next 18 years!) :)  So, no good ultrasound pics once again.  But, it was fun to see him and it's been fun feeling him twist and move around - he's in the head down position, so I just keep hoping that as soon as he's ready, he'll come on out!  :)  We met with a pediatrician last week and feel pretty good about the practice, so there's yet another thing off our checklist! 

Little Benjamin, I think we're pretty much ready to meet you!  If our house is a mess, I apologize, but your room is ready, the Stinker is anxious to meet you, most of your clothes are washed and put away, and we can't wait to cuddle with you!  I think that's just about all we need :)

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