Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Smiling and other fun

Well, at 6 weeks and 2 days old, I finally got some real (i.e. non-gas) smiles out of our little guy yesterday.  I try to not get caught up in what the books say he should be doing when... but this was a milestone I was sad to have not happened around the five week mark that many books mention.  Who wouldn't want to see their little baby smiling?  After seeing it yesterday morning, I'm pretty sure there's no cuter thing in the world!  Thankfully, we were on the first floor, so I ran to grab the video recorder and snapped a few quick pics on my phone....

Unfortunately, we haven't had many since then... I've seen a glimpse of one or two this morning while he's been playing with the animals in his activity "gym", but nothing like yesterday's beamers.  I'm sure they'll come with time!  And I'm also pretty sure that once he gets over this awful gassy phase (hopefully!), he'll be smiling a whole lot more.  We've decided to try out a different formula (for gas problems) so hopefully he can sleep better and cry less.  Fingers are crossed, that's for sure! I always feel so bad for the poor guy when his little tummy is aching and he can't make it better (which happens much, much too frequently). :(

Yesterday we also went to visit Keri and Boaz with a couple girls from our supper group.  He's still as tiny as can be!  It was great catching up and seeing Keri as a mom :)  I'm thankful to have such a good friend to ride this roller coaster with.  And it's icing on the cake that she had a boy too!

Hanging out with the ladies (I finally remembered to snap a few pics with Benjamin and these gorgeous friends...):

That's all for today!  Benjamin didn't have a great night of sleep last night, so I have a feeling it will be a long day...

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