Adventures In Larsonland

Adventures In Larsonland

Monday, July 30, 2012

Being Nostalgic

There will always be people that come and go in your life... some that stay longer than others, some that come back after you thought they'd be gone forever.  And of course, some that never really "go" anywhere because you carry them around in your memories constantly.  Some friends are good influences.  Some friends are bad.  Some don't do much at all but provide you companionship when you need it.  And some friends change your life.

I've been so blessed to have a handful of friends like this in my life over the past 30 years.  Some of these friends came and went after totally rocking my world, some are still by my side, and some simply moved away at different periods of our lives making it harder to stay in touch.  I've been thinking a lot about these friends lately.  Friends who I may not have told (ok, probably didn't) how much they meant to me, how grateful I am for the laughs, the fun, the tears, the love.  [Some of you may even be reading this now.]  And I just want to say I LOVE YOU.  You have been a friend in good times and often in bad.  You have pushed me to be a better person, a better friend.  And you have pushed me to challenge popular ideas about who I should be by believing in who I am, who I can be, and what I can do.  There are a lot of friends whom I want to point to and say, "Thank you".  You helped me see God in awesome ways, you helped me love him, myself, and others, and you loved me.  I apologize for being a terrible friend sometimes.  For not calling, for not writing... you know, for just being lazy.  I'm sorry that I too often let our friendship feel less important than it really is. I owe you yet another thank you for sticking it out with me.  I'm working on all this...


So.... one person in particular I'm thinking about this morning is a friend from college who turns 30 today.  Nevermind that she is quite possibly the kindest, most sincere and genuine person you'll ever meet, she is also one of the most fun.  She was the person who shared MANY laughs with me during college - be it memorizing the lyrics to Eminem songs, taking roadtrips and annoying all the occupants of the vehicles, dancing to Britney Spears during snowstorms, staying up all night cramming for tests yet still getting nothing done... she is the kind of person who can make just about anything fun.  Her heart is so full of love for others and Jesus, and even though we met when I was her Bible Study leader through FCA at CU, she has always shown me how to live a life full of God's love.  I wish I had half her passion and zeal!

At any rate, this sweet girl does not have Facebook... so this is the closest thing I can do to say a public and embarrassing happy birthday.  She lives far away now with her beautiful family, and I've been really bad at keeping in touch, but I hope she knows how much she means to me and still inspires me to this day!  (I love you K-love!)  BUT, she's moving back to CO soon!!  :) 

Lucky me.

almost ten years ago!

when she moved back to Cali (and only had one baby!) :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww... I love this post... I love Kristen too! I can't wait for her to come home :-)
